09 March 2012

My tears dry on their own


So I'm pretty ill at the moment, I have been since Wednesday afternoon. I did go out Wednesday night for a friends birthday and water was what I mostly wanted to drink. The next morning I got the best news in the world... I've got a place for the University of the Arts in London, I will be studying fashion photography and styling in the Fashion College. Me and Ben have started looking at student flats. As much as I want to live with just him... there is no way we can afford it but living with other students will keep us social and it will make me feel like I'm living that university life more and Ben.. .well he can live like a student but with out the study part! I'm so excited to live in London, what better city is there to live if you're studying fashion?! Now I need to get two Cs as my results and moving will be in order. I'm super excited.

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